Digital Strategy: Leading Digital Marketing Specialist - 121 Group

We Dive Deep To Take You To The Top

Every successful business has a strategy. And every strategy should be built on data.

At 121 Group, we are big on data and all our solutions are data-driven. We take a phased, methodical approach to marketing and campaign strategy development, starting with a deep dive into data gathering and analysis. This comprises any or all of the following activities which are conducted through a tailored combination of discovery sessions, online research, surveys and interviews:

Thorough brand and marketing audit

Review of current strategy, audience personas, platforms, activities and results

Competitor analysis

Quantitative and/or qualitative research

Research into target audiences’ online behaviours

This information is analysed and documented in a report along with key findings and recommendations

Swim With The Big Fish

Our approach to digital strategy combines blue sky thinking with practical solutions.

Key elements of strategy development – include:

Developing your brand blueprint, if required (brand promise, vision, core purpose, value proposition, positioning statements, personality and messaging framework)

Setting digital marketing objectives aligned to your business objectives e.g. Improving conversion rate to support a business goal to increase sales by 10%

Articulating your target audiences, segmenting them and developing buyer personas (drawing on the insights gained from the research and analysis stage)

Identifying the channels, platforms and tools across owned, earned and paid media that will best reach, engage and influence your target audiences

Designing the campaigns and activities to activate the digital strategy

Creating the execution plan and allocation budget and ad spend

Setting KPIs, evaluation and reporting schedules.

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