Capability Statements Specialists Across Multiple Industries - 121 Group

We Produce Capability Statements that Deliver Competitive Advantage

We are respected nationally as specialists in the production of compelling and visually engaging capability statements. 

Capability statements are essential for every business to business (B2B) company. They are a key business development tool showcasing who you are, what you do, your value proposition and the way you work. 

Capability statements are often requested by prospective clients as part of the proposal or tender process. They play an integral role in brand awareness, nurturing and conversion.

Experience Across Multiple Industries

We have years of experience working in the B2B space, developing documents for companies operating a wide range of industries including mining services, drilling, construction, finance, professional services and many more. Drawing on this experience and insight, we have developed a highly strategic approach to capability statement development that will deliver you the competitive edge you need. 

Our capability statement teams bring together expertise in key messaging and copywriting, engaging and highly visual graphic design and project management to provide a seamless end-to-end service.

We have streamlined our process to deliver the final output efficiently and with minimum input from you.


We listen and respect what you need

We take the time to understand your business, market and competitive landscape

We advise on the best way to present your business’s strengths and the value you offer over your competitors

We write succinct compelling copy, drawing out your key messages and ensuring we meet your prospective clients’ criteria

We showcase content through beautiful design aligned with your visual identity

We output to PDF (or MS PPT or ebook) and can implement PDF interactivity and/or can assist with professional printing

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